Camarata Music has a place for you! Camarata Music believes that every person is inherently musical, and with the right instruction and leadership, their musicality can shine through high-level performances! Whether in the Chorale, Chamber Singers, Youth Choir, or Chamber Orchestra, there is a place to excel!
Camarata Music has four choirs, a chamber orchestra, a musical theatre group, and numerous smaller groups, ensuring that there is a place for everyone interested in performing music.
The Camarata Chorale is an adult choir of 100-150 members that performs 3 major performances throughout the year to over 4,000 audience members, in some of Seoul's most beautiful performance spaces. The choir is non-auditioned, and accepts all people from all backgrounds and cultures. Acceptance into the choir is throughout the calendar year, with rehearsals for the spring concerts beginning in late January, the POPS concert in the beginning of August, and the Christmas with Camarata concert in mid-September. Members are accepted up to a certain point in the middle of rehearsal periods.
The Camarata Chamber Singers is a semi-professional, auditioned choir, that holds auditions twice throughout the year, in December-January, and June-August. Although many members have degrees in, and work in the music field, accepted members come from all walks of life. All members have a prior background in singing, and pass an audition, consisting of singing a prepared song, some sight-reading, and vocalizing with the conductor. The choir sings approximately 15 times per year, including the choirs two MainStage concerts, in November and May. Auditions are held in late-December/Early-January, and in Early-August by appointment. To schedule an audition, please email: ryan@camaratamusic.com.
The Camarata Youth Choirs are an avenue for children, aged 5-14 to sing in a multi-cultural, international setting. All rehearsals are in English, and focus on singing technique, age appropriate repertoire, music appreciation, basic music theory, and musical style. The Youth Choirs consist of the Advanced Choir, for ages 9-14, and the Beginning Choir, for ages 5-8. Rehearsals are in two sessions (August-December, February-May) on Saturday mornings, from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, and members are accepted throughout the year. The concerts are in the beginning of December and end of May.
The Camarata Chamber Orchestra is a semi-professional orchestra, comprising professional and high-level amateur musicians. The chamber orchestra primarily plays with the Chorale and Chamber Singers in concert, where they collaborate on major works with the choirs, in addition to performing their own repertoire. Rehearsals are prior to concerts, and acceptance into the orchestra is based on an audition, consisting of playing a prepared piece and sight-reading.
Camarata Musical Theatre is a community-based performance troupe that performs a fully-staged and produced musical every summer, with performances primarily in early-June. The troupe occasionally prepares and performs smaller productions and scenes throughout the year. Acceptance into the shows of Camarata Musical Theatre is based on auditions, with auditions for the summer musical held in early-February.
To audition for any of the ensembles of Camarata Music, please send an email to auditions@camaratamusic.com or info@camaratamusic.com.

Every Sunday from 3:30pm to 7:00pm
Every SATURDAY from 10:30am to 12:30pm
Every MONDAY from 7:00pm to 10:00pm
On weekends and based on actors availability
By schedule, 2 weeks prior to concerts.