Singing the world's greatest works, from the Renaissance to present day, in Seoul's greatest performance venues. From the shower-singer, to the professional, all are welcome to come and experience the wonders of choral music!
The Chorale is the heart and soul of the Camarata Music Company. It is an amateur choir that performs three major concerts every year, including a spring major work, and an autumn pops concert, all leading up to an annual performance of Christmas with Camaratain December. The Chorale’s members have represented 101 countries since the start of the Camarata Music Company, creating a culturally diverse atmosphere as they all prepare toward the common goal of making classical music together. What’s more, they come from all walks of the musical life, from the beginner to the music professional. All are welcome, whether they be shower singers or seasoned veterans.
The Camarata Chorale is committed to providing music opportunities and experiences for everyone, no matter their skill level. It is our mission to prove that everyone can sing, regardless of experience, with the correct instruction. By doing so, Camarata Music brings together a family of musicians, all striving for the same common goal: to experience music at the highest levels, together with friends from all over the globe.
카마라타 코랄은 카마라타 뮤직의 심장이자 영혼이라고 할 수 있을 정도로 핵심적인 위치를 차지하고 있습니다. 순수 아마추어합창단으로서 연 3회 정기공연을 올리고 있습니다. 봄에는 대곡 공연, 가을에는 팝스 공연을 선보이며, 12월 크리스마스 공연으로 연말의 대미를 장식합니다. 초보자부터 베테랑까지, 코랄은 음악적 배경을 가리지 않고 모든 단원들을 환영합니다.

Every Sunday from 3:30pm to 7:00pm