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Because of our corporate partners and Friends & Founders members, Camarata Music is able to provide concerts of high-quality of the world's greatest classical music, in addition to providing a wonderful home for musicians (and non-musicians) to perform wonderful music, make great, life-long friendships, bond over common goals, network with others, experience other cultures, and create art in Korea.  From the bottom of our heart, Camarata Music thanks you for bettering the Korean peninsula through music!

Silver Level

Platinum Partners

Corporate Partners

Silver Partners
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Bronze Partners
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Many thanks to all of our Friends & Founders.  Thank you for your love of music, and willingness to share with Camarata Music.
Founder Circle
Stephen Folena
Scott Stout
and to those who wish to remain anonymous.
Benefactor Club
Andreas & Diana Harbauer Family
Haeng Deok Jeon (전행덕)
and to those who wish to
remain anonymous.
Emilie Chardonnay
Rebekah Grella
JongDae Park (박종대)
YounSook Kim (김연숙)
and those who wish to remain anonymous.
Friends of Camarata
Kristina Kudriasova
Hyangsil (Annie) Cho (조향실)
Misook Oh (오미숙)
SuYoung Kwak (곽수영)
and to those who wish to remain anonymous.
Sister Organizations

The Australia and New Zealand Association, Korea (ANZA Korea) is an international, 100% volunteer based, non-profit association that supports expatriates, and Koreans with an interest in Australia and New Zealand.

In addition to making life easier and more fun for our members, we are committed to giving generously to the local community in which we live and work. ANZA Korea is actively involved with Korean charities and supports overseas efforts. For more information, please click here.

The British Association of Seoul is a vibrant and active social group for British expatriates and all nationalities.

We seek to enhance our members’ experience in Seoul, and provide hope and financial assistance to Korean charities in need.

BASS is a truly international group with approximately 50 members. We host a full calendar of social events and maintain strong ties to the local community through fundraising efforts.

Our membership includes, of course, many expatriates from the British community, as well as members from South Korea, Australia, USA, New Zealand, and many other countries. For more information, please click here.

The St. Andrew's Society of Seoul 

The dates 25 January and 30 November are special and celebrated by the people of Scotland and the Scottish Diaspora world-wide. 25 January is the birth date of Scotland’s National poet Robert Burns (commonly called Rabbie) who through his poetry and songs chronicled life in Scotland in the mid 1700’s. He is loved by all Scots for his humour and love of life.

St Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter and one of the first disciples of Jesus Christ. He became the Patron Saint of Scotland around the middle of the 10th century. 30 November is Scotland’s national day.

Many cities throughout the world have a St Andrew’s Society and Seoul is no different. The St Andrew’s Society of Seoul was founded in 1976. Its main function is to serve as a focal point for all things Scottish. The Society holds three events per year:

The Burns Supper
The Muckleshunter - a traditional Ceilidh (pronounced Kay-Lee), a Scottish Party.
The St Andrew’s Ball


For more information, please click here.

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Creating Global Communities Through the Universal Language of Music!


B1, 39-16 Yongsan-dong2ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

© 2018. Camarata Music.

39-16 Yongsan-dong2ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Rep. of Korea

Non-profit Registration: 106-82-63541

Camarata Music Company

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